spmvv.ac.in SPMVVPGCET 2015 Syllabus PGCET : Sri Padmavati Mahila Visvavidyalayam Tirupati

Organisation : Sri Padmavati Mahila Visvavidyalayam Tirupati
Announcement : Syllabus
Entrance Test : SPMVVPGCET – 2015

Syllabus : https://www.entrance.net.in/uploads/820-Admission-Instructions.pdf
Home Page : http://www.spmvv.ac.in/

In most cases, syllabi prescribed for the entrance tests relate to the common core First year syllabus of 2012-13, Second year syllabus of 2013-14 and Third year syllabus of 2014-15

Test- 01 – Biochemistry
Section A: Bimolecular, Physiology and Methodology
Section B: Enzymes, Metabolism and Microbiology
Section C: Molecular Biology, Immunology and Endocrinology

Test- 02 – Biotechnology
Section A: (i) Plant Physiology , Tissue Culture and Biotechnology of B.Sc. Botany (ii) Cell Biology, Genetics and Animal Physiology of B.Sc. Zoology
Section B: Biological Chemistry & Microbiology of B.Sc. Biotechnology
Section C: Organic Chemistry of B.Sc. Chemistry

Test – 03- Botany
Section A: Paper I (Diversity of Microbes and Cryptogams)
Section B: Paper II (Gymnosperms, Diversity structure and Development of flowering plant sand Ecology)
Section C: Paper III (Taxonomy, Paly neology, Embryology and utilization of plants)Paper IV (Physiology, Cell Biology, Genetics & Biotechnology)

Test- 04 – Chemistry
Section A: Inorganic Chemistry of three years
Section B: Physical Chemistry of three years
Section C: Organic Chemistry of three years

Test – 05 – Economics
Section A: Paper I (Micro Economics)
Section B: Paper II (Macro Economics)
Section C: Paper III (Indian Economy, Environmental Economics and Current Affairs)

Test – 06 – M.Ed. – Education
Section A: Foundations of education, communicative English
Section B: Psychological foundations of education, Personality development
Section C: Educational Technology and Computer Education, School Management and Systems Education

Test – 07 – English
Section A: Literature based questions (Poetry and Prose)
Section B: Literature based questions (Drama and Novel)
Section C: Language based questions

Test – 08 – Home Science
Section A: Paper I (Human Physiology and General Psychology)
Section B: Paper II (Food Science and Nutrition), Paper III (Sociology, Marriage and Family Relations)
Section C: Paper IV(Human Development), Paper V (Home Science Extension)

Test- 09- Mathematics
Section A: Paper I Differential Equations and Solid Geometry
Section B: Paper II Abstract Algebra and Real Analysis
Section C: Paper III Linear Algebra and Vector Calculus

Test- 10-Microbiology
Section A: Paper I and II: (General Microbiology, Microbial Physiology and Metabolism, Molecular Biology.
Section B: Paper III and IV: Immunology, Medical Microbiology and Applied Microbiology.
Section C: Chemistry related to Biological Sciences; and Biophysical and Biochemical techniques

Test- 11 – Journalism
Section A: Current Affairs
Section B: General Knowledge
Section C: Media related questions

Test-12 – Performing Arts
Section A: Musicology – Paper-I
Section B: Musicology – Paper-II
Section C: Musicology – Paper-III

Test-13 Physics and Electronics
Section A: Paper I (Mechanics, Waves and Oscillations)
Section B: Paper II (Thermodynamics and Optics)
Section C: Paper III (Electricity, Magnetism and Electronics) Paper IV (Modern Physics and Electronics)

Test – 14 – Sericulture
Section A: Mulberry cultivation, Silkworm Seed and Cocoon production technology.
Section B: Diversity of microbes, Cell biology, Genetics and Plant physiology
Section C: Biology of invertebrates Animal Physiology and Ecology

Test – 15 – Social Work
Section A: Paper I Social work profession, philosophy and basic social science concepts
Section B: Paper II Social work intervention – Basic methods
Section C: Paper III Social work intervention – Auxiliary methods; Paper IV Social work with women and children

Test – 16 – Telugu
Section A: Paper I Studied under Part-I (B) Telugu: Prachina Padyabhagamu, Adunica Padyabhagam, Navala and Grammar.
Section B: Paper II Studied under Part-I (B) Telugu: Prachina Padyabhagamu, AdunicaPadyabhagam, Gadhyabhagam, Drama, Alamkars, Grammar and essay.
Section C: Paper II (History of literature) and paper III (History of Telugu language, Grammar and Dialects) Studied under Part II Telugu of B.A.

Test-17- Women’s Studies
Section A: i) Indian Heritage & Culture; ii) Science & Civilization
Section B: i) Status of Women in India & Andhra Pradesh-Facts & Figures; ii) General Awareness on Women’s achievements issues and problems
Section C: i) General Awareness: Current Affairs, General Knowledge; ii) Specific reference to women

Test- 18- Zoology
Section A: Paper I Biology of Invertebrates and Cell Biology
Section B: Paper II Biology of Chordates, Genetics, Evolution and Zoogeography
Section C: Paper III Animal physiology, Behavior and Ecology

Test – 19 – Physical Education
Section A : Paper I Anatomy, Physiology and Health Education
Section B : Methods of Sports Training, Measurement and Evaluation
Section C : Principles of Officiating, Yoga, Recreation and Camping

Test – 20 – Commerce
Section A: Paper I (Business Economics); Paper II (Financial Accounting-I) Paper III (Industrial Organization & Management )
Section B: Paper V (Banking and Financial Systems); Paper VI (Financial Accounting – II)
Section C: Paper IX (Business Laws); Paper X (Income Tax and Practical Auditing)

Test – 21 – Statistics
Section A: Paper I (Probability and Distributions)
Section B: Paper II (Statistical Methods and Inference)
Section C: Paper III (Applied Statistics – I), Paper IV (Applied Statistics-II)

Test – 22 – B.Ed. Special Education (H.I)
Section – A : English Language Proficiency
1. Reading comprehension
2. Correction of sentences , articles, prepositions, tenses, spellings
3. Vocabulary Synonyms, Anonyms
4. Transformation of sentences – simple , compound and complex, voices, direct speech and indirect speech.

Categories: SPMVVPGCET
Tags: spmvv.ac.in

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