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Organization : SSLC Examination Government Of Kerala
Announcement : Kerala Teacher Eligibility Test (K-TET))

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Kerala Teacher Eligibility Test (K-TET) :
OCTOBER 2015 :
The RTE Act 2009 directs the State to ensure the quality requirement for recruitment of teachers. The persons recruited as teachers should possess the essential aptitude and ability to meet the Challenges of teaching at all levels of schooling. TET is an examination to assess the quality of teacher candidates for Lower Primary, Upper Primary and High School Classes in Kerala.

Separate test will be conducted to select teachers for Category I (Lower Primary Classes) Category II (Upper Primary Classes) Category III (High School Classes) and Category IV (for Language Teachers – Arabic, Hindi, Sanskrit, Urdu (up to UP classes), Specialist Teachers (Art & Crafts) and Physical Education Teachers.

The conduct of the examination is entrusted with Pareeksha Bhavan, Kerala. Candidates are strictly advises to go through the prospectus attached along with this notification before submitting the application form. Qualifications for applying for each category are given in detail in the Prospectus.

The Exam fee is Rs.500/-(Rupees Five Hundred only) for each category. Fee for SC/ST and differently abled categories is Rs.250/- (Rupees Two Hundred and Fifty only) Applications should be submitted to Pareeksha Bhavan only through online. Printout of the application, chalan and copies of the certificates need not be sent to Pareeksha Bhavan. The candidate should take a printout of the application before confirming and verify the details given in the online application. Corrections if any required should be made before confirming the application. No correction of Name, Category and subject chosen will be allowed after confirmation of the application. The Procedure for sending application and remitting fee is given in detail in the Prospectus. Candidates can choose the Educational district for the examination while filling the application.

The centre of examination will be allotted by Pareeksha Bhavan in the admit card.

Dates to Remember :
Submission of Application (online): 10/08/2015 to 26/08/2015
Downloading Admit Card through website from : 28/09/2015
Date of Examination : 03/10/2015 & 17/10/2015

In accordance with the provisions made in the Service Rules of various categories of teaching staff in the State of Kerala, RTE Act 2009 and guidelines framed by the NCTE, K-TET shall apply to –
i) Schools of the State Government/ Local authority referred to in the Service Rules and also sub-clause(i) of clause (n) of Section 2 of the RTE Act 2009 and

ii) Schools referred to in sub clause (ii) of clause (n) of the RTE Act in Kerala.

iii) A school belonging to specified category; and Provided a school referred to in sub-clause (iv) of clause (n) of Section 2 of the RTE Act may, for the purpose of Elementary levels, exercise the option of considering either this K-TET or the TET conducted by the Central Government. In Kerala, K-TET is applicable up to HS level.

Syllabus of the K-TET for Category I, II, III & IV will be published by SCERT Kerala in the website and the Pareeksha Bhavan, Kerala

The tests will be for four categories – Category I, Category II , Category III & Category IV. All individuals, who possess minimum educational qualifications as delineated for each category, are eligible to appear the tests.
The test is for:
i) those who intends to be a teacher for Lower Primary classes and fulfills the minimum educational qualification (Category I)

ii) those who intends to be a teacher for Upper Primary classes and fulfills the minimum qualification (Category II)

iii) those who intends to be a teacher for High School classes and fulfils the minimum qualification (Category III)

iv) those who intends to be a language teacher up to Upper Primary classes and fulfills the minimum qualification. For Specialist teachers and Physical Education teachers, K-TET is applicable up to High School level (Category IV). However, a person who intends to be qualified in more than one category (Lower Primary classes, Upper Primary classes, High school classes and Language teachers in Arabic, Hindi, Sanskrit, Urdu, (up to UP Level), Specialist teachers and Physical Education teachers) and possess the minimum qualifications for the respective categories, can specify this in the same application form (online) and appear for the examinations meant for these categories.

After qualifying ‘K-TET’, the candidates will acquire the eligibility of having qualified ‘K-TET’. However, such K-TET qualified candidates will need to satisfy all eligibility requirements as per State Recruitment Rules to become qualified for getting recruited as teachers in the respective categories in any of the schools specified under clause 3 (iii) as per the qualifying conditions laid down by prospective employers.

Notification : 10/08/2015
Commencement of on-line registration of application : 11/08/2015
Closure of Online Application Step I : 24/08/2015
Closure of Online Application Step II : 26/08/2015
Issue of Online Hall Ticket : 15/09/2015 onwards
Date of Examination :
Category I : 03/10/2015
Category II : 03/10/2015
Category III : 17/10/2015
Category IV : 17/10/2015

1 Comment
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  1. I have 88 marks in KTET 2015 CATEGORY 2 EXAM conducted on 3rd October 2015. I belong to OBC. Will I pass the exam?
    I am eagerly waiting for your reply.
    Thank you.

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